jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2023

causes and responses to stress


 by doing cardio we burn calories, improve the body's tone, and improve the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems. But that's not all, because the body also releases endorphins and serotonins, more commonly known as happiness hormones, which allow a substantial improvement in mood and stress.  

skipping rope exercise

Jump over the rope with both feet together at a moderate pace. Keep your ankles and knees relaxed to absorb the impact. Try to make it one fluid movement rather than two different positions. Increase the speed of the rope and the pace at which you jump.


improve coordination, concentration and even digestion, as well as helping you sleep better and be more relaxed during the day.

Inhale through your nose for a count of 3 and bring all the air into your abdomen, you will notice how it fills with air and expands. Exhale for a count of 3, letting the air out through your nose and the navel returns to its place. Repeat this inhale/exhale breath, 5 times.


stress is combated and the immune system is improved. It is also a good option for strengthening coordination, because it involves hands and eyesight, and improves our reflexes. It works the whole body, from head to toe, which also improves mental speed and decision-making.

Boxing exercise

Round 1: Start by placing your fists close to your chin and strike with your right arm, taking one step at a time with the same foot. Make sure that your hips rotate slightly with your arm to facilitate the movement and avoid injury. 

Round 2: Repeat the same as in round 1 but with the left arm. Make sure you use the same amount of strength as you did on the other side. This will make the results balanced. 

Round 3: Last round, in this round swap the right and left arms.


When the music is joyful, the mood accompanies it and certainly improves. That is why, without any doubt, it is a physical activity that allows stress to fall radically. Regardless of the rhythm, dancing is the best option for the "less sporty", as it has many benefits.

consists of the execution of certain movements accompanied by the body, arms and legs. These movements are performed to the rhythm of the music. A dance consists of executing certain movements to the rhythm of the music.

all these exercises are important to prevent and control the level of stress.

for example: 


if we dance, we will change our moods.
If we are not completely calm, we can improve by practicing yoga.
if we practice boxing, we will release our tensions.

bibliographical references 


causes and responses to stress

 Cardio  by doing cardio we burn calories, improve the body's tone, and improve the cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems. But ...